Online store of church fabrics and vestments - Subdeacon's vestments
To perform the divine service, the clergy and clergy are dressed in special clothes, the purpose of which is to distract their mind and heart from everything earthly and lift them up to God. If for worldly affairs on solemn occasions they wear the best clothes instead of everyday ones, then the more natural is the requirement to perform service to God in special clothes.
Online store of church fabrics and vestments - Subdeacon's vestments
Special vestments for the clergy were introduced in the Old Testament. It was strictly forbidden to enter the tabernacle and the Jerusalem temple for worship without special robes, which had to be removed when leaving the temple.
At present, the sacred garments in which the divine service is performed, according to the three degrees of the church hierarchy, are divided into diaconal, priestly and episcopal. The clergy wear some of the diaconal robes.
According to the teaching of the Church, each higher degree of the church hierarchy contains grace, and with it the rights and advantages of the lower degrees. This idea is clearly expressed by the fact that the sacred garments established for the lower degrees also belong to the higher ones. Therefore, the order in the vestments is as follows: first they put on clothes belonging to the lowest rank, and then to the highest. Thus, the bishop first dresses in the clothes of a deacon, then in the clothes of a priest, and then in the clothes belonging to him as a bishop; the priest also first dresses in the clothes of a deacon, and then in a priest.
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